There are other set-ups which are cooperative and might involve you paying (but they're upfront about this and tell you). You decide if you want to be involved in them on their merits. Some local projects (for example) are like this.
There is also what is called 'partnership publishing'. This involves the writer paying something upfront to assist with printing/distribution. There have been considerable developments in this area. Random House with Ex Libris and Amazon's Booksurge now have imprints which have this sort of this arrangement.
Then there's 'vanity publishing' which is a sub species of 'self-publishing'.
Vanity publishing is where a writer goes through a printer or a press and pays for everything but sets it up as so that it appears that they have been published by standard publisher.
Self-publishing is the author publishing their own work and being open about it. This often happens when the runs might be small, apply to a niche market, or be the special passion of the writer. Family histories etc are often self-published. Some self-published books have gone on to great success. It's rare though. There are a few links about self-publishing on the Rejections page.
What I'm calling 'standard publishing' is where the publisher pays the printer, arranges distribution, advertising and pays the author royalties (ie a percentage of the retail or other price).